Words by Benoît Bodhuin
Issue N.08
Jan. 2017
Author: Benoît Bodhuin
Font: BB-Book A
Printed in the margins of:
Cassochrome, Waregem [BE]
± 800 copies
Wham bam! The thunderous BB-Book lands on La Perruque for an eighth issue as contrasted and expressive as this unabashed type.
Crac boum! Le BB-Book débarque tonitruant sur le N.08 de La Perruque! Un numéro aussi contrasté et expressif que l’est ce caractère décomplexé.
Various styles of BB-Book A: from light to bold, condensed to extra-extended, each weights has its own personality.
Capricious and well-rounded counterforms in discussion with her outlines, straight as a ramrod.
From strong to slight contrast, from light to bold, from skinny to bulky!
From discreet serif to a talkative one.
Hindered distribution of contrasts.
“Reversed” interpolation via median styles.
And many more oddities!
BB-Book A (Licence)
Available for purchase at bb-bureau.fr.
Benoît Bodhuin is a graphic and type designer and also a teacher: an undecided curriculum – mathematics then graphic design – a freed practice and a strong interest in typography.
bonjour@bb-bureau.fr • bb-bureau.fr • Instagram • Twitter • Ello